Donna figured out that Rene recently visited the Nazca Lines in Peru. These are a set of figures (straight lines, triangles, spirals, a bird, a spider, a monkey, flowers) that appear engraved in the surface of the desert plateaus. What is so astonishing is that, technically, the Nazca lines are perfect. How the Incas achieved this without modern technology is amazing, especially considering the size and scale of the drawings. One has to fly over them to see and appreciate them fully. Right Rene?
Wow. I'm peering into this old blog and can see a few cobwebs and spiders
lurking. Time to blow them off, shoo them out and get writing again.
To my delight...
Do you think they could've used the sun and shadows to achieve this? I don't have a very good idea of how big this picture is!
These figures are HUGE, so big that you can't even tell they exist from the ground. They even built a highway right through a few of the figures because they didn't know they were there!
The spaceships helped them draw the lines.
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