Thursday, May 22, 2008

GF Girl

A few months ago, we found out that Miss Munchkin was sensitive to many of the foods that I have been feeding her since, well, birth. The biggie is wheat, but she is also sensitive to corn, milk, beef, pork and several other foods. She has always been incredibly active and often hyper, but the last straw was her extreme moodiness. Once we removed these foods from her diet and added several supplements, she started feeling much better and acting much calmer.

It's been a learning experience for me - figuring out what to feed this girl (whose favorite foods are a hamburger and a glass of chocolate milk). Through some trial and effort, we've found a diet that she can live with.

Some of our lifesavers have been chocolate soy milk, Pamela's Wheat-Free Bread Mix, rice crackers and rice cereals, peanut butter, tilapia fillets, bison meat, and turkey hot dogs. She eats lots of fruits and some veggies. We've been able to recreate some desserts. Tonight we made a pizza that she could eat.

Her doctor feels that we will be able to reintroduce all of the foods back into her diet at some point - except gluten.

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