Wednesday, August 06, 2008

The Oprah Stinker

Since this blog has a Jane Austen flavor, I've tried hard not to dwell on topics such as body noises. However, Jane did not have a 7 year-old boy. So consider yourselves warned, Gentle Readers!

This morning Master Munchkin told me about an "Oprah stinker".

"Oprah?" I asked.
"Where did you hear that word?"
"It's a French word that means huge and over-normal, " he informed me.
"Oh, really?" I tried not to smile. "Are you sure?"
"Yes! Dad told me."
"You might want to ask him about that."

He trotted off for a quick conference. It didn't take him long to return.

"Uber," he amended. "It's German."


Alisa said...

I'm pretty sure he had it right the first time...

MrsMama said...

Ha ha HA!