I arrived at your blog from your comment at Pioneer Woman's site.
I read recently that it is rude to visit a blog and not leave a comment, so I'm trying to improve on that issue.
Thank you so much for my Sunday morning blog walk through your site. I've read several entries, visited your Flickr site, checked out your groups and found one to join for my state, visited your husband's blog, and because of your recent posts about your grandparents I then spent a few moments warmly reminiscing about mine as I looked at some very old photos on my hard drive.
Wow. I'm peering into this old blog and can see a few cobwebs and spiders
lurking. Time to blow them off, shoo them out and get writing again.
To my delight...
Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope you had a nice one. Tonight, instead of
romance, Alexi and I divided and conquered homework and hockey practice
duties, thoug...
People keep asking me if I still blog. Obviously, they are people who
don’t actually read my blog, because then they would know that I took a big
break ...
I arrived at your blog from your comment at Pioneer Woman's site.
I read recently that it is rude to visit a blog and not leave a comment, so I'm trying to improve on that issue.
Thank you so much for my Sunday morning blog walk through your site. I've read several entries, visited your Flickr site, checked out your groups and found one to join for my state, visited your husband's blog, and because of your recent posts about your grandparents I then spent a few moments warmly reminiscing about mine as I looked at some very old photos on my hard drive.
Such a wonderful morning I've had.
Nancy in Nebraska
Hi Nancy. I'm so glad you stopped by (and said something!) :)
Your comments are very gracious and kind.
Feel free to visit anytime.
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