Last night the fabulous
PW was in town and April and I hoofed it down to the Plaza to attend her cookbook signing event. It was a Girl's Night Out and we were very excited!
Stop taking pictures and come ON already!

First of all, the cookbook is
wonderful - full of real food and fun photography.
Then there was the socializing.
April is a bit famous herself in the blogging world and she had several admirers come up to her throughout the evening.
Oh, I love your blog! I'm so glad to meet you.
(See that lady in the back taking a picture? She's taking a picture of April. Look at how high she has to aim the camera :)
So when's Clay going to write again?
You are so funny! I love your sense of humor.
How are you so tall!?

She even had some
Guy come up to talk with her.
I stood nearby, ready to use my MMA skills in case he tried
Ree did an intimate interview with the audience and charmed us all with her down-to-earth answers, friendly demeanor, and her extensive knowledge of movie quotes.
Then she autographed cookbooks. For hours and hours and hours. She greeted each person with genuine warmth and kind comments, even though she must have been exhausted.

Look how happy she is to see this woman. And this woman's box of cookies. :)
We were number 580 and 581 so we had awhile to wait. Hmmm... time to kill...what to do....
Someone gave Marlboro Man a pair of UFC gloves, which the Punks promptly put to use. It was cute watching them wrasslin'.

(Hey! I thought it sounded like a good idea at the time...)
Ree was delighted to see April again and gave her a huge hug. It was really sweet.
When it was my turn, PW said, wait for it....

She said she loved my photography! (See, here she is saying it. OK, actually, at this point I think she was saying, "April, you do know that that is not a zoom lens, right? So you are very,
very close to me right now. Security?")
PW, you know you made my year, don't you?