Stop taking pictures and come ON already!

First of all, the cookbook is wonderful - full of real food and fun photography.
Then there was the socializing. April is a bit famous herself in the blogging world and she had several admirers come up to her throughout the evening.

Oh, I love your blog! I'm so glad to meet you.
(See that lady in the back taking a picture? She's taking a picture of April. Look at how high she has to aim the camera :)

So when's Clay going to write again?

You are so funny! I love your sense of humor.

How are you so tall!?

She even had some Guy come up to talk with her.
I stood nearby, ready to use my MMA skills in case he tried anything.
Ree did an intimate interview with the audience and charmed us all with her down-to-earth answers, friendly demeanor, and her extensive knowledge of movie quotes.

Then she autographed cookbooks. For hours and hours and hours. She greeted each person with genuine warmth and kind comments, even though she must have been exhausted.

Look how happy she is to see this woman. And this woman's box of cookies. :)
We were number 580 and 581 so we had awhile to wait. Hmmm... time to kill...what to do....

Someone gave Marlboro Man a pair of UFC gloves, which the Punks promptly put to use. It was cute watching them wrasslin'.

(Hey! I thought it sounded like a good idea at the time...)
Ree was delighted to see April again and gave her a huge hug. It was really sweet.

When it was my turn, PW said, wait for it....

She said she loved my photography! (See, here she is saying it. OK, actually, at this point I think she was saying, "April, you do know that that is not a zoom lens, right? So you are very, very close to me right now. Security?")
PW, you know you made my year, don't you?
Of course she did...cause you rock!
Thank you for sharing your pictures and words. I just can't get enough of my blog-sistahs and their encounters with Ree Ree!
What a nice compliment! You do take beautiful pictures. Looks like you had a very fun time!
So jealous... that was fun to live vicariously through you though ;)
It really was a fun night. Too bad we need a blogger cookbook signing to force us to go out, but I'll take it!
It sure was a fun night. A bit long for my taste. But well worth it. You and April crack me up.
Your pictures make it look like I stalk April. I'm in the back ground of at least 2 and talking to her in one. I'm not her stalker I promise. Maybe Ree's, but not April's. Though I could become one. So don't encourage me.
What a fun evening!!
Thanks Donna. You just made my next year. :)
Hannah, you're kind to say so. We did have a good time, even though I was out way past my bedtime.
Mary - it was nice to meet you last night! Your husband has a nice Eye for photography. I'm glad we had you guys to stand in line with.
Looks like a fun night!
Just wanted to let you know the picture of the guy talking with April looks incredibly like the guy is Ree's own Marlboro Man. Check that out with April and see if I'm right!
Kristina, you're right. ;)
I thought the same thing, looked like MM to me....
Looks like you all had a great time! Wish she was coming here to California!
BTW your photos are B-E-A-UTIFUL!
You know.. PW posted on Facebook a link to your blog, talking about her boys fighting in one of your photos, your hits today are going to go way up for you girl. I hope your site survives.. congrats on the fun book signing. I went to mine in OKC with a friend a few weeks ago!
I told you, SOOOOO much fun at one of Ree's book signing. Did you take snacks? I am glad you and April got to enjoy it. And, The Park Wife thinks your pictures are great too. Now, let's have a blog meet-up. I would love to hang out with you guys.
So much fun, is me the one that made your flag pie.
Park Wife - I'm in! And thanks again for the Ree Signing Survival tips. The snacks we brought helped us get through the 6 hours we were there.
Enid - of course I remember you. Mmmmm....pie :)
wow 6 hours, I seriously thinking to drive to Dallas, so I am investigating where to stay. Is five hours drive for me...lol! My husband told me it will be cheaper to just send her my book to her PO Box and send her a pre stamp package so she can send me back my book..! anyway want to go an meet her in person!
Yup - I was aiming high shooting at April...mainly to get the lighting right....!My Nikon has a tilt able screen, nice feature to have.
Fun night, fun meeting other bloggers!
Awwww, how sweet! Your photography does rock. You have such a beautiful eye. Now you're secret is OUT!
Enjoy it girly, you are definitely one of my most favorite daily reads.
Really wishing I'd move to Kansas this summer, but then you probably would have really had me arrested huh?
All I can say is MY DARN DAY JOB!!! I would have driven those 2 hours to KC to see her and get a book signed for me and my daughter. But man these employers just don't see it that way!!!!!
What a fun night!
I love your photography too but that doesn't mean much 'cause I'm a nobody, still, it is pretty wonderful photography you've got going on. Makes me wanna try much harder.
And as I commented on April's site too, I'm jealous.
Jealous I say.
Alisa, I'd love to have you here - just don't forget the bug spray. Remember those evil chiggers?
Amy, your comment warmed my heart. Thank you, thank you, thank you. :)
I'm so glad several bloggers decided to share their experiences on PW day in KC. You ladies make me feel as though I was right there with you.
So fun! Glad you were able to have a girls' night out! Very fun post:)
Friends with April,shout outs from PWQ... I think I might have to start stalking you!
Thank you for sharing! I am disappointed she is not coming anywhere near me. :(
Very cool! Love PW!
Love that lady!
Great post!
Oh how fun! I'm enjoying reading all these posts from people who went to her book signings! I found your blog through the PW's. Nice to meet ya!
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