Our martial arts instructors are creative and
1. Sit in a tight circle. Lift up your legs and place your right ankle over the person next to you. While trying to balance and keep your legs off of the ground, lean back and do a sit up. Oh, and throw a jab-cross at the end of each sit up. Let's do 10. Ready? Go!
2. Grab a partner and one of you get into the Push-Up Position. You are going to do 10 push-ups. Between pushups, your partner is going to jump over your legs then crawl under you, army style. Arms aching yet? Good! Now switch.
I hope you don't PAY for this kind of abuse. ;o)
Mama Pea, I know I'm paying for it now! (Ouch, my aching muscles)
Too much turkey to think about this right now. Maybe I will try it next week, I mean year.
The Park Wife
Only 10 pushups? Cry me a river. ;) We've had to do 20 with someone else's legs propped on our shoulders. Not that I managed any pushups, but...
Ouch. Jo, your version looks positively brutal!
Yeah, but keep in mind I didn't actually achieve any pushups. I just got yelled at by the instructor when I kept falling over and collapsing the whole setup. :)
Nice! Very nice. You have my blessing to continue on. (And my jealousy that I cannot join you.)
Hope you had a fantastic Thanksgiving!
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