Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Wisdom for Marriage

"Let the wife make the husband glad to come home, and let him make her sorry to see him leave."
Martin Luther


Donna Boucher said...

I have never heard that. It's very good.

I grew up in the Lutheran church and to my dismay, they did not tell us much at all about Luther.
Isn't that weird?

April said...

Clay said a long time ago, "I can tell within 5 minutes of entering the door if it's going to be a good night or a bad night by the way you act."

Ever since then I make an effort to settle any discord I have with the kids or my day before he walsk in the door. I want him to be happy to come home.

MrsMama said...

Donna, I know. I didn't really learn about ML till I was an adult as well.

April, thanks for sharing. That is an excellent resolution - one we should all strive for. But, you're right, it has to be intentional. It won't "just happen".