Tuesday, January 29, 2008

*How* Old Are You?

Master Munchkin frequently surprises me with his choice of words. I came into the kitchen recently to find him perched in a squatting position on the counter, trying to duck under the door of the microwave to retrieve a bag of freshly popped corn.
"This is undignified, " he told me.
"Did you just say, 'undignified'?"
"Yeah, you know...awkward and kind of embarrassing?"
Um, yeah.

He also informed us, during a magic show, that he "forgot one element" of his demonstration. An element? Come on! You are six!

And this morning he told me, "This will amuse you!" and proceeded to do something or other. I don't remember what. I was too amused.

I don't really know where he gets it. *I* certainly don't use big words in everyday speech. In fact, I often use the wrong words. Mr. Meticulous, my husband, is quite gifted in this area though. I often have to stop him in the middle of an argument or discussion and say, "Wait! What does _____ mean?". He smiles at me in kind-of-a-pitying way and defines it for me.

That's one of the reasons I have the "Word of the Day" featured in my sidebar here: I definitely need to learn some new bigger words vocabulary. :P


Donna Boucher said...

Is her watching Jane Austen with you :o)

That might explain it.

MrsMama said...

LOL, not yet, but he will. (repeats in a low tone, tinged with promise) Oh, he will.


April said...

Little pitchers have big ears. He's a sponge!