Yesterday the Kansas wind spent all day taking little bits of snow from our front yard and depositing them in our driveway. We woke up to some pretty deep drifts! I tried to drive through them but my van became quite stuck. Master Munchkin and I did some digging, then our wonderful neighbor showed up on his tractor. With a plow. Before we knew it our driveway was clear and our van was free. Woo HOO! Did I mention we have an awesome neighbor?

This is our driveway. After.
This is Master Munchkin and his Man Cave, er I mean, snow cave that he made after school. Cool, huh?

Now I'm off to take our neighbor a steak or two. He's the best!
so COOL...!
Although we live "out", we too have good neighbors living on the land to our east and west. When I hear horror stories of neighbors from he**, it reminds me to be very appreciative and grateful for the good people we have around us.
Obviously you've got a great neighbor, too. What a comfort to know, huh?
Good neighbors are the best.
Growing up on a large farm we called those drifts chicken house drifts! Because We could jump off the chicken house into them :) Fun stuff for a kid!
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