Even though I was feeling under the weather, I decided to go ahead and try to test for my red belt last night. On the way to class I took a couple of Tylenol and washed them down with a Starbuck's Doubleshot. If they kicked in, I might just have a chance.
Our Instructor on Thursday nights is quite fond of Ladders. Not the kind you climb, the kind where you run lines. These are also called "Suicides". I think they are aptly named. Thankfully, we skipped the Suicides last night and warmed up with jogging. I can jog very slowly. I am very good at jogging slowly. Slow jogging is very good. They should call it "slogging".
For our test we had to escape three different ways from a side headlock on the ground. I showed you one
here, remember? Then we performed our new kicks, which included a lot of
"hook" kicks, which I am not very good at. Especially when I am susposed to spin, jump
and throw a hook kick at the same time. Miss Munchkin is really good at these. I'm equally proud and insanely jealous. Then we moved on to kickboxing combinations, which involved a lot of elbows, knees and a good amount of clenching. Once Miss Munchkin caught me in the nose and it HURT. I know, I
turnabout is fair play but
still! We ended with a drill, one designed to push us physically. At the end I was barely standing and trying quite earnestly to catch my breath. It's hard enough for me when I'm well, at this point I was wishing I had waited to test. But it was over and I passed. Out. Not really, not the "out" part. But I did pass. So did the Munchkins.
We start learning new material next week. Can't wait!