Thursday, July 17, 2008

Wheeler Lake Trail

Wheeler Lake is a gem of an alpine lake, tucked in an elbow turn of the Continental Divide. A hillside covered with white cascades pours into the lake from snow melting under the crystal blue Colorado sky.
Or so they say. We wouldn't know - we didn't make it that far!

We decided that the
Wheeler Trail should have been called "Wheezer" Trail because that's what we did all the way up! Hiking at 12,000 feet is very, very hard when you are not used to it (pant, pant).
The hike follows an extreme four-wheel drive road under part of the old Magnolia Mill and past various relics of mining days. Mount Lincoln at 14, 286 feet watches over the broad valley of the Middle Fork of the South Platte River, above which lies Wheeler Lake. Below the waters of Montgomery Reservoir lie the remains of the town of Montgomery. The little town started in 1859 after gold was discovered on nearby mountains. Within two years the town had two hotels, seventy cabins, and two sawmills. In one two-week period, miners found between fifteen and twenty rich strikes. Citizens decided to name the towering peak to the west, which they believed to be the highest in Colorado, after President Lincoln. They even sent him a bar of gold from one of the mines located on his namesake. The following year 1, 000 people called Montgomery home. A drugstore, mercantile, dry goods store, and various saloons served their needs. Six gold mills worked the ore from the area ’s mines, with the Magnolia, Montgomery, and Pendleton being top producers. As many as 2, 000 people may have lived in town at one time. They even proposed Montgomery as the state capital!
Well, we hiked for about 90 minutes then we turned around and hiked an hour down. Even though we didn't get to the Lake, we had fun scrambling over rocks, crossing small creeks and large mudpuddles, and just exploring.


Alisa said...

How beautiful. I'm relaxed just looking at your pictures. Of course, it really helps that I didn't have to hike it to get the views. Thanks for that.

MrsMama said...

Yeah, it wasn't that "relaxing". We just had to take a lot of breaks! :P But it was incredibly beautiful.

Are you tired hearing about our trip yet? No? You will be. (quieter, with a sinister undertone) Oh, you *will* be.


(sorry, I just ate some chocolate no-bake cookies for breakfast and I think the sugar is mixing with the coffee and it's all starting to kick in!)