Wednesday, July 16, 2008

The Ground Squirrel Uprising

Day 1
We noticed a small Ground Squirrel scurrying on the rocks outside our cabin. It's so cute - we are all enchanted and delighted to see such friendly wildlife close up.

Day 2
We scattered birdseed on the patio and were happy to see our friend the Ground Squirrel return. He brought along a few friends. They look so happy playing on the rocks.

Day 3
We awoke to the sound of tapping on the glass door. It appears that the Ground Squirrels are hungry.

There are more of them now.

Day 4
The Ground Squirrels seem well-organized and strangely efficient. Additional reinforcements are arriving daily.

Day 5
It has become apparent that we are outnumbered. We think we've identified the Leader, however we have been unsuccessful in our attempts to negotiate. Food is running low.

Day 6
As we have been unable to squelch this local uprising, we have no choice but to retreat. We fought bravely, but could not resist their sheer numbers and persistence. As we pass the mission to the next family who vacations here, we leave this word of warning:

Don't Feed The Squirrels


Donna Boucher said...

They knocked at the door???
I love that open mouth picture!!!

Alisa said...

I'm glad to know that when things get scary, I'm not the only one running instead of fighting. It's not just ground squirrels either. It's a whole coalition. For us it's house finches. They scare me and trap me inside my own home. Then, I must refill the bird feeders for them. It is a nasty cycle.

Anonymous said...

They are so darn cute! I would have to feed them... I have that soft spot for cute little animals... you know the one. It always gets us in trouble!


Robin in New Jersey said...

They look like chipmunks. At least that's what we call them here in NJ.