Friday, December 25, 2009

Despised and Rejected

This year we didn't put up our Christmas tree. I figured Trooper would just eat the ornaments and use the trunk as a porta-potty. Instead, Miss Munchkin brought out a little artificial tree that had been sitting in her closet for the last 5 months. Apparently this little tree has has quite a history. It used to belong to the family over at Coal Creek Farm and, when they decided they didn't want it, they took it to a garage sale. Apparently nobody else wanted it either. Afterwards it made a trip to the local Goodwill store, where it was firmly, but kindly rejected. I'm not exactly sure how my daughter ended up with it in her room. But it was just what we needed this year.


Donna. W said...

Your link to Coal Creek Farm didn't work for me. But I'd already been there today anyhow.

Enid said...

There you go!!

MrsMama said...

Thanks Donna. I fixed it!

Dawn, said...

I'm so glad it found a home!

April said...

How on Earth?! Is that little tree trying to make it's way home?