I had a lovely kickboxing class recently. It was one of those days where my lazy body did not want to move. At all.
puff gibber! groan
We started warming up by jogging laps. On the instructor's signal we slapped the ground and suddenly switched directions. That's always a bit awkward and people inevitably crash into each other a bit.
swish (yap-smack!) ker-splash! splash caw bep MUTTER After warm up, the real fun began. We partnered up and started boxing.
slip *oink* slosh-braaaap whop MAAAAH ding-dong-ding-dong Then we did a set of "Crunch and Punches". It's like a sit up but you punch something when you sit up, usually a pad. This time we came up throwing hooks. By the time we were done, I was missing most of the skin on my right knuckle.
splutter-splutter wobble fsssst! *NIK* Then it was time for Bag Work. This is where you do various combination of kicks and punches on a heavy bag filled with sand. Feeling determined, I gave an extra hard kick and was rewarded with some instant foot pain.
ting *chonk-chonk* pft (ker-pow-fweeeep!) urgh oompah-pah fizz-pop! (FARKLE) Next, our instructor threw in some Sits and Dips. One person sits against the wall, supporting their weight with their wimpy legs while other person uses their knees for handholds and cranks out triceps dips. Those are always fun.
ksssh! puff klackety-klack-vrum-vrum! Finally, to end the class, we played a rousing game of "Get the Belt" or something. Each person tucks a strip of fabric into their waistband and attempts to defend it while snatching each other's fabric. Kinda like Flag Football with out the football. I lunged for a man's strip at the same time he lunged for mine. Our heads collided.
dakka-jonk! thrum! buzz! *ow-ow!* I don't remember much after that - things were a bit fuzzy. But I do know that I ended up with a goose egg and he got a small cut over his eye. Niiiiice.
Currently I am sitting at my computer with my foot up, waiting on X ray results, and having way too much fun with
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