I love the gleam in her eye here. This sweet 3 year old wasn't very sure about having her photo taken, but once I brought out the tutu, she was smitten.
Sunday, May 08, 2011
Saturday, May 07, 2011
Wednesday, May 04, 2011
In the right light, at the right time,
everything is extraordinary. ~Aaron Rose
Because I take pictures, I am constantly noticing the Light around me. Not only do I take note of it in my own surroundings, I notice it in magazine photos and on TV as well. Apparently I’m not the only one. I found this article very interesting and informative. If you are a Light Junkie, check it out!
Friday, April 29, 2011
Cupcakes Gone Astray
This Spring I found a tutorial for some adorable sheep cupcakes. I couldn’t wait to make them for Easter! What says “Spring” more than cute little lambs?
I whipped up a batch and showed the Munchkins how to decorate the top, then I left them to it.
When I came back, I found this:
Apparently, I have very creative children.
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Sunday, April 17, 2011
Of (flying) Mice and Men
The kids and I built a bonfire in the backyard last night. After we cooked hot dogs and snarfed down s’mores, we licked the last of the sticky mess off of our fingers and settled back in our chairs to watch the dusky blue sky fade to twilight.
All around us we could hear night animals beginning to wake up.
“Maybe we’ll see a bat,” I ventured. It’s always a treat to see a bat in our yard, flitting about the sky. So far this year, we hadn’t.
“There’s a star,” Miss Munchkin suddenly pointed. “Star light, star bright, first star I see tonight. I wish I may, I wish I might have this wish I wish tonight.” She paused, lost in hopes and dreams.
“Wish for a bat!” The Master suggested hopefully.
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Remember this little lady? She was the star of my very first newborn photoshoot.
She went on to be slightly famous when Ree gave this picture a shout out on her blog.
Well, guess who just turned one? I was so glad that her mother asked me to document the happy occasion. Miss Margo is just as laid back and sweet as she was as a newborn but it’s fun looking back and seeing how much she’s physically changed in the last year!
This was my first 1-year Photoshoot. She and her mother made it entirely delightful.
This is the same pink headband that she had on when she was a newborn. Awwww….
Happy Birthday Margo Mae. I love watching you grow!
Monday, April 11, 2011
Tuesday, February 22, 2011
Friday, February 18, 2011
In Which MrsMama Plays Hooky
The weather was so beautiful today that I put Master Munchkin’s seatwork on hold and we hit the road for a Field Trip. We’ve been studying local Kansas History and had recently learned about John Brown and his role in the anti-slavery movement.
One of his historical battles, the Battle of Black Jack, was fought just minutes from our house. We set out to explore the site.
The Master gazing at a grove of Sugar Maples, thinking about syrup.
Some historians consider the Battle of Black Jack to be the first true battle of the American Civil War.
The men on both sides of the fight took refuge in the creek beds that run along the property. The Master was hoping to find a bullet or even a gun that somebody dropped during the five hour fight. Hey, a boy can hope!
We didn’t find anything metal but we did find ruts from wagon wheels near the creek (I’ve marked them in red on the photo).
While not related to John Brown, this silo also demanded exploration. Look closely - can you see the Master? Wait! Don’t go in there! I think there’s something in the Homeschool Handbook about safety…
Past the silo we explored some native prairie and ambled down a nature trail. We saw some deer tracks and a few very large dog-like prints.
After tromping around for a few hours, we were ready for a break so we headed into the little town for some Wheat State pizza. Wheat is one of Kansas’s main crops. So eating pizza on wheat crust is definitely educational. That’s in the handbook too. :)
I love field trips!
Sunday, February 06, 2011
Linky Love
Here are some goodies I’ve come across recently:
First, I found a recipe for my favorite Girl Scout cookie, Thin mints. Yea!
We all probably know someone who is a little lost in the kitchen. MrMama, this one’s for you :) How to Boil Water
Lastly, Flickr is one of my favorite places to get photographic inspiration. If you want to see what makes me gasp, check these out.
Wednesday, February 02, 2011
I have seen hell and it’s white
Not really, I just love that scene from the BBC miniseries “North and South
Master Munchkin and I built a snow cave today. It wasn’t a “proper” snow cave – more like a hole in a drift, but in my mind it looked like this:
After all of our architectural efforts, we had worked up an appetite so we made one of my favorite Winter treats, snow cream. I think the two activities cancel each other out calorically, don’t you?
Monday, January 03, 2011
Favorite Face of 2010
His eyes, his ears, his shy smile - this little guy just makes my day!