If you have followed my blog for awhile now, you know that my children and I have been training in mixed martial arts. We’ve been taking classes for 3 years and this month we are starting to train for our final test! There are 5 weeks of grueling classes that we have to go through and, at the end, we learn if we passed. So I hopefully I will become a black belt in December! Miss Munchkin will be testing with me. Wish us luck!
Part of our test includes being able to do 100 situps and 70 pushups. Uh oh! I can do about half those amounts right now, so I need to get busy!
Speaking of busy, I just finished coordinating our school’s Book Sale. We’d been taking donations since the summer and about a bazillion books needed to be organized and, well, sold! It was a lot of work but we made $600 for our little school library, which is more than its yearly budget. Yea!
Wow. I'm peering into this old blog and can see a few cobwebs and spiders
lurking. Time to blow them off, shoo them out and get writing again.
To my delight...
Good luck with the testing! I think those goals for sit ups and push ups are very worthy. I wonder how many I can do...
Giveaway on my blog today!
So much great news!! Congratulations on making it to Black Belt camp! With your daughter no less.
The sit ups and push ups I can't help you with.
Great job on the book sale! Your little library is sure to appreciate it.
Good luck and kick some patootie!
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