“April 1. This is the day upon which we are reminded of what we are on the other three hundred and sixty-four”. Mark Twain, Pudd'nhead Wilson, 1894
I am not a fan of April Fool’s Day. First, I do not like surprises and secondly, I had a bad experience with an April Fool’s Day prank in college. Feeling very clever, I put red KoolAid in the shower head of our shared bathroom and waited for the blood-colored water to freak out some sweet young thing. Think Carrie. Instead, my suite-mate walked into our small bathroom and said, "What's that smell?" She walked over the shower, fully clothed, and turned it on to investigate. I spent the afternoon scrubbing little red dots out of her white pants. She was mad for a month.
This morning, when Master Munchkin woke up, he did not spring from bed like he always does. He couldn’t! Apparently, sometime in the night, Miss Munchkin snuck into his room and wove a ball of yarn into an intricate maze of above his bed. It was fairly elaborate and must have taken quite a bit of time. By the time I came back with my camera, he had escaped and destroyed the evidence. But it looked a little like this.
The children then ran around the house and changed all the clocks, which caused MrMama to get to work early. I think that was really funny! It wasn't quite so funny when I woke up from an afternoon catnap and thought I missed getting the Master out the door in time for his Martial Arts lesson. No, I wasn't laughing then. But the kids were.
I’m so glad the children have branched out. The previous 3 years have consisted on taping down the sprayer to the kitchen sink and aiming it just so. I hate that trick! I’m usually the one who gets spayed when I turn on the water. I fall for it every year.
Wow. I'm peering into this old blog and can see a few cobwebs and spiders
lurking. Time to blow them off, shoo them out and get writing again.
To my delight...
Brilliant. We were very lackluster for April Fools day this year. Although, with my bunch that was the prank, and they will get me this weekend.
Your children are so much more inventive than I ever was. At least it makes for good stories. :)
Oh my, what mischievous munchkins you have!!!
You know, I really ::like:: your kids...
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