OOOOWWWWW! Reminds me of the time our daughter rammed about a 2" sliver from our deck 1" into the sole of her foot. I managed to pull it out intact but I can still remember what it felt like. (I'm sure she can, too!) But, I gotta admit, a fish hook is probably worse. (Darn kids.)
Wow. I'm peering into this old blog and can see a few cobwebs and spiders
lurking. Time to blow them off, shoo them out and get writing again.
To my delight...
Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope you had a nice one. Tonight, instead of
romance, Alexi and I divided and conquered homework and hockey practice
duties, thoug...
People keep asking me if I still blog. Obviously, they are people who
don’t actually read my blog, because then they would know that I took a big
break ...
OOOOWWWWW! Reminds me of the time our daughter rammed about a 2" sliver from our deck 1" into the sole of her foot. I managed to pull it out intact but I can still remember what it felt like. (I'm sure she can, too!) But, I gotta admit, a fish hook is probably worse. (Darn kids.)
Ugh, that makes me very weak. Hope all is well now.
OUCH!!!! I've had them caught in my hand and it hurts...hope all is well...
Ouch, ouch, ouch............Sounds like a fun day was had by all!
Kidding of course.
Ouch! I am so sorry :o(
Maybe I'm glad we don't live in the country?
Hope he's healing nice and neatly.
Viewed by the children and 'noted'. Thank you for sharing? So sorry, that's a major ouch. :P
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