Jane Austen used such wonderful phrases. My family quotes some of them from time to time, which tickles me and makes me very happy! One of DH's favorites, to use with the children: "And *yet* I am unmoved".
We had a chance to visit Laura Ingall Wilder's home in Mansfield, MO. This is where she wrote the Little House Series. The small museum next door includes many items that were mentioned in Laura's books, including Pa's fiddle and Laura's glass bread plate. We also got to see the clock that Almanzo bought Laura for their first Christmas. The house was surprisingly modern and even had a fridge. It was interesting that Laura experienced so much change in her life. She traveled in both a covered wagon and a car!
Wow. I'm peering into this old blog and can see a few cobwebs and spiders
lurking. Time to blow them off, shoo them out and get writing again.
To my delight...
Happy Valentine’s Day! I hope you had a nice one. Tonight, instead of
romance, Alexi and I divided and conquered homework and hockey practice
duties, thoug...
People keep asking me if I still blog. Obviously, they are people who
don’t actually read my blog, because then they would know that I took a big
break ...